Attention - new currency: how "attention games" are changing the business

Attention - new currency: how "attention games" are changing the business

In the modern world, where the flow of information seems infinite, attention has become not only a scarce resource but also the primary currency of the digital economy. Products and services, from social networks to streaming platforms, compete for a share of this valuable asset. This is especially important for product managers, influencers, and entrepreneurs who want to attract and retain an audience.

Game of Attention

Understanding the "Game of Attention"

The Main Players

The key players in this "game of attention" are messengers, social networks, streaming services (like Netflix and Spotify), and online games. These platforms are designed to maximize the time users spend in the app, which is directly related to advertising and subscription revenues.

Journalism also enters this "game." Major publications, such as "The Washington Post," "The New Yorker," and "The New York Times," earn money through advertising via their print editions and websites.

It's important to mention the creator economy. This is a modern phenomenon where individual creators monetize their creativity through various digital platforms. Bloggers, artists, musicians, writers, and other creators use platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Patreon, TikTok, and many others to reach their audience and monetize their creativity.

However, like in any "game of attention," creators struggle for the attention of their audience in a content-saturated environment. They must create unique and engaging content that makes people subscribe, like, comment, and share.

Creators often monetize through advertising, partnership deals, product sales, or subscriptions. Some creators also use crowdfunding to support their projects.

However, the creator economy also faces problems, such as unstable income, pressure to create new content, and difficulties in managing their own business. It's important for creators to be aware of these issues and have strategies to overcome them.

Success Metrics

Important metrics to evaluate success in the "game of attention" are:

  • Time spent in the app
  • Number of active users
  • Depth of interaction and frequency of use

Business Models

Most digital products generate revenue through advertising models or subscription systems, where the main element is attracting users with the product. An example is Facebook, whose main revenue comes from advertising targeted at the attracted audience.

Attention Capturing Strategies

Consider the following strategies to attract and retain the audience's attention:

  1. Creating habitual content: Develop content and functionality that motivate users to return regularly and interact with your product.
  2. Personalization: Use data and AI to create a personalized user experience that fits the unique preferences and interests of your users.
  3. Gamification: Apply game elements, such as achievements, rewards, and leaderboards, to increase user engagement and stimulate repeat visits. Research by Yu-kai Chou, author of the book "Actionable Gamification," shows how gamification can increase user engagement and motivation by applying game design elements in a non-game context. According to Gartner, by 2025, more than 70% of global organizations will have at least one gamified project. This confirms the growing recognition of gamification as an effective tool to improve engagement and learning.

Research and Data to Reflect On

  1. Average time spent on the Internet: The Digital 2023 report by We Are Social and Hootsuite reports that the average person spends around 6 hours and 43 minutes per day on the Internet. This statistic underscores the growing role of digital platforms in our lives.
  2. Influence of social networks on psychology: Research published in the "Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology" shows that reducing time spent on social media platforms can significantly lower levels of loneliness and depression among users. This highlights the importance of careful use of social media.
  3. Creator economy: According to the SignalFire report, in 2020, more than 50 million independent content creators participated in the creator economy. This underscores the rapid growth and influence of this field in the digital economy.

Ethical Considerations

When designing products, it's important to consider ethical aspects, recognizing the potential impact on users' behavior and well-being. Strive to enrich users' lives by creating attraction mechanisms, not just increasing corporate profits.


The "attention game" is a complex and competitive space, where success depends on a deep understanding of the audience and the creation of valuable and engaging content. By using considered strategies and approaches, you can not only attract attention to your product but also build long-term relationships with your audience.

Join the Attention Revolution

In a world where attention has become a valuable currency, each of us plays an important role. You, the product managers, influencers, entrepreneurs, are at the forefront of innovation and creativity. Your vision, decisions, and actions determine the future of the digital economy.

  1. Evaluate your current strategies: Analyze how your product or content affects audience engagement and well-being. Think about how you can improve these aspects.
  2. Invest in personalization and gamification: Explore new technologies and methods to make interaction with your product more individualized and engaging.
  3. Build an ethical monetization model: Consider how your monetization model affects users and seek ways to make it fairer and more transparent.
  4. Educate your audience: Help your users understand the value of their attention and how they can better manage their digital consumption.

This is your opportunity to make changes and inspire others. Let's build a future together where technology serves to improve the quality of life and enrich the human experience. Share your success stories, challenges, and lessons learned in the comments below. Let's learn, grow, and innovate together.

Share your opinion

I also aspire to education and knowledge of the new. This topic is very important to me, so I would be delighted if you want to share your opinion on one of these topics. This will help me, and you will contribute to our common future.

  1. What are the most effective methods and strategies of your product or brand to attract and retain the audience's attention?
  2. What ethical principles, in your opinion, are important in developing products and content aimed at capturing users' attention?
  3. What problems and obstacles do you encounter when creating engaging content in an information-overloaded environment?
  4. What innovations or technologies, in your opinion, will play a key role in the future of the "battle for attention"?
  5. Are there examples from your experience where personalization or gamification has significantly improved audience engagement? Share success stories or lessons.
  6. How do you think digital saturation affects users' psychological well-being, and how can companies help solve this problem?
  7. How is the creator economy changing the digital industry landscape, and what opportunities does it open for individual authors?
  8. What strategies do you use to measure the effectiveness of your content in the "battle for attention"? What metrics or tools have been most useful?
  9. What advice would you give to new product managers, influencers, and entrepreneurs looking to stand out in a competitive environment?
  10. How important do you think user education about the value of their attention is? What methods or approaches do you consider most effective for this?

As always, I invite you to share your opinion in the comments
With love 😽 🤗 😘

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